General information

In case we are talking about iterative working model, aims and demands cannot be determined in the beginning of the working process. End project requirements will appear after development of special parts of the project was done. Repeating development process, you step by step update software.

Simply put, this model works as repetitive process. When foundation of the future project was laid, you step by step improve your product by repeating special parts of it. After every cycle of iteration, improvements are going to become more visible, because every update will make your product a bit better.

Scheduling and demands: 

First things first you need to schedule your project, prepare documents, set aims and goals, and make sure that every step of development is clear.

Examination & Style:

After proper scheduling you need to analyze every aspect of working process. Depending on the end product requirements there is need to establish language, working models, software and hardware etc.


In case you are sure that all demands described above are done, start implementation stage.


During following stage you need to assess and analyze each and every possible hitch and bug that can occur within development process.


On this step working group and the client make sure if the project satisfy all the requirements and aims. If not provide some changes.

Iterative model benefits:

  • Using this business model we can easily guarantee high quality design of software before even development stage was started. Afterwards we create structure of the project and then implement desired design.
  • We repetitively update and develop software and can easily locate possible bugs and errors even during planning stage.
  • Communication with clients is also a big benefit of iterative model. We provide users with all necessary information and sketches so they can easily foresee how product will look in the end.
  • The rule for this business model is simple: “Less time for paperwork, more for design”.

Iterative model shortcomings:

  • Probability of occurring issues such as: problems with design, system, architecture etc. These issues may occur because of the lack of first stage planning and coding. It might cost you a lot of money.
  • Iterative model requires involvement of the client during whole working process, on the other hand there is a waterfall model which involves you only within first steps of the project. I might not work for you, due to necessity of engagement because we need to make sure that end product pleases all described requirements so we need client’s feedback.
  • Feature creep: Client’s feedback is extremely necessary for iterative model and whole development process itself, because users usually make new demands and requests every time software updates. So the feature creep may occur.
  • Different software companies use different types of SDLC approach development models. Each and every aspect is taken into consideration during product development. And sometimes set of factors make us use iterative model to make everything work proper way:
  • Demands of the end product are clear and understood by working group.
  • All necessary requirements are determined and set, but some changes might take place during development process.
  • Inputs are planned and going to be used for exact specific iterative model.
  • Software engineers come up with a new ides during development process and use new technologies.
  • There is always risk of changing aims and requirements.
  • Time limitation for the market.
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