Enterprise and SMB Custom e-Commerce Solutions Development Company

E-Commerce is not just an online shop. But most of e-Commerce development companies across mention only this aspect. Why so? Because it is the most straightforward part of e-Commerce — develop a site. And it is a niche where even lone freelancers can offer something. That’s why the global list of e-Commerce developers is infinite.

General Soft offers different kinds of e-Commerce solutions for your business

  1. Custom e-Commerce websites development. We successfully delivered dozens of different eStores, and ready to use the experience to launch your online sales. We developed and successfully delivered 30+ online stores of different kinds. It is a reason why you should trust our team.
  2. Chain e-Commerce stores development. What if your business isn’t local, but expanding to different cities or even countries? It is not an issue for us! We can offer different subdomain for each region, with both global and local sets of preferences, roles, supplies, and others. Each eStore in your chain will have its own analytics, trade promotion, loyalty marketing actions, etc.

Custom marketplaces and classifieds development

The marketplace is an online store with one host but different merchants.

Classifieds are the same but without online payments. The most striking instance of the marketplace is Amazon Marketplace with more than 5 million sellers across it.

But there are hordes of less famous marketplaces in the world. If you have enough resources to handle your own local marketplace, it can become a major player in the local market. There are many challenges in custom marketplace development. But we are ready and have enough expertise to overcome them all.

Project Examples: Topof is an online tire hypermarket that is operating in Russia. At first glance, the site looks like usual eStore but acts as a marketplace. The directory contains 30+ brands of tires and wheels, as well as thousands of goods items. Users can search by tire parameters, select from the popular models, or use the car model to view appropriately. Smart SEO includes permanent URLs for different combinations of parameters which helps to increase search traffic. Topof allows users to select among available merchants, order, and pay online, as well.

Payment gateways integration

Payment systems are using to process online payments on your site. There are plenty of them worldwide, just integrate and use. But the question isn’t so simple as it looks at a glance.

Every payment system has its own features: payment ways it can process, merchant and customer fees, popularity in the given region, popularity, quality of documentation, support friendliness, bug number, etc. Some of them are hard to find online, and the truth becomes clear only during the integration process. We worked with a large number of them. So we’re able to understand the possible pitfalls before the start.

Project Examples: Chase Pay is one of the most popular payment systems in the US. However, it has a huge number of bugs, poor documentation, and unfriendly support. As a result, the integration process is usually long and prickly. ApplePay, on the other hand, has almost no bugs. It is perfectly documented and supported. Thanks to these facts, it can be integrated in a few days.

Design and UX for the e-Commerce solutions

Even several small flaws in UX can make the online store unprofitable. When a user goes through a sales funnel, these flaws lower the conversion rate on different stages. Coupled together, these drops boost customer acquisition cost (CAC). And it finally becomes higher than lifetime value (LTV).
Understanding customers is one of the core principles in e-Commerce. Our team of professionals does it well. Entrusting them UI development, you don’t need to worry about low conversions due to poor UX.

Customized shopping carts and other eCommerce solutions for your eStore

If you already have your own eStore, you know how hard it can be to implement new features. Al these special filters, search caching, and unique checkouts are slightly differing from the basic features and no good for your site, right?
Don’t worry, our team can develop any custom functionality for the existing online store. No matter, whether it is based on Magento, Drupal Commerce, Woocommerce, OpenCart, CS-Cart, Laravel or any other PHP CMS or framework.

Trade promotion features development

As a merchant, you should understand the importance of trade promotion activities. But often the existing marketing features of the eStore aren’t fitting the needs of the business.

In this case, you should consider the custom development of new ones. And our experts can help you with the custom development of trade promotion tools of any complexity.

Project Examples: The furniture online store we developed has a complex directory containing about 5,000 items of furniture and fabrics. Faceted search helps users to find the required item fast. Items have pictures and videos in their descriptions. Moreover, users can like, share, or post their comments. Custom AdBlock-proof banner showing actual trade promotions is placed on the main page.

Our custom eCommerce development in figures:

  • 30+ projects successfully delivered
  • 0% failure rate
  • Up to 18.6% conversion rate
  • 24% of clients’ businesses closed during the last 8 years
  • 94% still use our solutions
Learn more about General Soft services.

Should any questions or doubts remain, feel free to text us and we will get back at your convenience.

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